Events / Exhibitions

24.09.2015 - 03.11.2015

“Images of One Country. The Art Photography of Eastern Germany, 1945-1995”

The exhibition entitled “Images of One Country. The Art Photography of Eastern Germany, 1945-1995” will be held on September 24 in the framework of the cooperation of the National Gallery of Armenia, the Moritzburg Museum of Germany (Sachsen-Anhalt) and the “Cultural Dialogues” Fund. The exhibition will last till November 3.  It is organized on the initiative of “Cultural Dialogues” Fund as well as by the Ministry of Culture of Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany) and by that of the Republic of Armenia and with the support of the Embassies of both countries.

80 works by 21 photographers will be exhibited and four films reflecting the period of 1945-1995 of Eastern Germany will be shown. The exhibition consists of four parts, each of them having its own title and idea. Art photography has been of great importance in the DRG for the struggle for social relations and their change. The photographers always managed to influence on people’s self-consciousness through exhibitions and publications. In contrast to state order the shots have been made on self-initiative and reflect the exact period. The exhibition is multi genre: fashion, social-documentary photos, nature sites or urban views. They tell about the horrors and consequences of war, and also express an optimistic feeling of renaissance. Authors have expressed various life situations in their works showing the influence of the changeable political, economic and social relations on photographic art language and working methods.
Some photos even seem to express the author’s subjective attitude towards the theme.


Lake Sevan and the Island at Night (1884)

canvas, oil
28,7x39,5 cm