Events / Exhibitions

15.12.2015 - 15.06.2016

Panos Terlemezian-150 anniversary exhibition

On December 15, at 15.00 the exhibition dedicated to the 150th birth anniversary of the renowned Armenian artist PanosTerlemezian will be open at the National Gallery of Armenia.Circumstances made PanosTerlemezian rove about the world throughout his lifetime: from his native Van to Constantinople, then to the Caucasus, Russia, France, Egypt, the USA and so forth.The artist had permanently been creating during his endless wanderings everywhere. Thanks to his tireless assiduousness, motive and unflagging will he could overcome every difficulty.
PanosTerlemezian’s works express great patriotism bringing out the vital creed and nature of the artist who dedicated his whole life to the Armenian nation by his brush, by pen and by weapon. The painter was for the realistic trend of art. The latter was established and was widespread in the beginning of the 20th century against the conservative academism of the 60ies of the 19th century in Western Europe and Russia.
IfPanosTerlemezian’s artworks didn’t becomea progressive step and landmarkof Armenian painting history by their expressive means, they doubtlessly enriched Armenian Fine art with their substance.
Throughout his creative lifeTerlemezian worked in the genre of landscape. The majority of his more than 1000 works are landscapes made in various cornersof the world. He always spoke warmly about his canvases depicting homeland nature.His landscapes are unique dedication to his homeland nature.
The exhibition is dedicated to the artist’s 150th birth anniversary. It includes more than 134 works preserved in the storage and permanent exposition of the National Gallery of Armenia. Fifteen works of them are graphic works, the rest are paintings which are completely different in genre, subject and technique.
The exhibition is aimed at presenting the creative way of the artist more comprehensively as well as at highlighting the importance of his great contribution to the Armenian fine art.
On the occasion of the anniversary exhibition the magnificent scientific catalogue of PanosTerlemezian’s paintings and graphic works has been published. For the first time it presents the complete way of the artist’s life and creative activity.



Surenyants Vardges Hakob

Salome, 1907 (1907)

canvas, oil
155x155 cm